

Murchison-Hume was created when it was discovered that the founder’s son had inherited her allergic sensitivities to common cleaning products. Other eco-friendly options just weren’t up to scratch, so she started to create her own. Murchison-Hume products don't use dyes, petrochemical solvents or non-sustainable palm oil. They do not contain ammonia, caustics, phosphates, bleach, ethoxylates or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). They are cruelty-free. They also look and smell amazing - and, call me shallow, but I like the products I use in my home to look as good on the outside as they are on the inside. Murchison-Hume products really work, and the plant-based ingredients are a much better option than the cheap synthetics available. They are also Marine Safe (meaning they won’t harm anything once washed down the drain) and rapidly bio-degrade into harmless by-products providing a “down drain benefit” and making them septic system safe. If you don't love cleaning (and, let’s face it, who does?), you will find it infinitely more pleasant when using these lovely products.